5 Tips on How to Avoid Wedding Planning Overwhelm

It’s finally happening!  Your wedding date is locked in and you’re beyond excited!  You’ll know that even from the beginning stages, wedding planning overwhelm is a real thing and is something you should keep in check.  By hiring a wedding planner, this removes a lot of the stresses associated with organising a wedding, but what if you’re doing it all yourself?  We have 5 tips on how to avoid wedding planning overwhelm.

Not only will these tips make the process easier, but a lot more enjoyable too.  Amen to that!


Only take on what you can handle

So much love, time, care and thought goes into planning a wedding, but there’s no reason why you should take this on all yourself.  Delegate tasks to your partner, friends and family who you trust.

There are some great online tools to help you with planning.  You’re more of a pen and paper kind of person? Look on Etsy where you’ll find some wedding planning binders, full of information and checklists to get you through.

It goes without saying that you want your day to run smoothly, and that includes having all the right kit.  We’ve created this beautiful checklist to help out with this part of your planning. You can download it here: Wedding Day Emergency Checklist


Two printed checklists for emergency wedding day checklist for download


Have everything straight in your head

There’s nothing worse than worrying about what’s happening when. Take some time at least 6 weeks before your wedding to finalise all the details and fine-tune your timeline.  Share this with your vendors and bridal party – it’ll help put those nerves at ease!


Take time out for you!

Everyone is talking about mindfulness and there’s a lot to be said for it. Allow yourself time as close to the wedding as possible to just chill out.

Relax, have a spa day, go shopping, whatever gets you out of wedding mode for just that space of time.

Schedule this right into your wedding week and stick to it.


Spa Day - two women lying down with face masks and cucumbers on eyes enjoying a pampering spa day.

Nothing compares

One of the worst things you can do is go on an Instagram wedding inspo binge days before your big day and start comparing.  Don’t do it!  This is your wedding, and you’re doing it your way. In particular, try and avoid less than helpful comments of ‘Well so and so did it this way’.  Be confident about your plans, know that this is how you and your partner want it to be, and that it’s going to be magical.


Hire a planner

Hand the planning, organisation and execution, along with all the natural wedding stresses and worries to a planner. When you hire a professional to take the reins, you can really sit back, enjoy the process and trust in the expertise and experience you’ve invested in.  If you’re hosting a local wedding, there may be some Day-of Coordinators in your area who focus only on wedding day assistance and ensure that everything runs according to plan.  It’s worth every penny.

Remember, planners have worked on countless weddings; they are super organised, understand all the moving parts of a successful event, and will ensure that your day runs smoothly.  Trust us on this; no bride wants to be having her hair and make-up done whilst worrying whether or not the caterer has arrived.

Allow yourself to be pampered and enjoy the biggest day of your life, stress free.


Wedding Planner Caroline from Forever Lovestruck Weddings in Koh Tao Thailand with a wedding party group sitting at a table and toasting with champagne


FINALLY, do remember to be present. Sometimes, even with the best will in the world, there may still be hiccups. Try not to get so caught up in the details that you forget what it’s all about!

You’re marrying your best friend. Enjoy every moment. Be in it and take some time to soak in your newly married status!

If you’re considering a tropical destination wedding in Thailand, download our FREE GUIDE full of hints and tips to help you on your planning journey!


Pinterest image of bride sitting on velvet seat and the words 5 tips to avoid wedding planning overwhelm over the top